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Writer's pictureCA Sonal Maheshwari



Applications controlled by China are banned currently, not due to a single variation arise but, a list of reasons flew in front of. Article 34 of Constitution of India states that: “Everyone has right to Information and legal protection under the law”[1]. Instead of China was convicted against the Article 34 of the Constitution. The safety and privacy of oneself is the fundamental right of every citizen in India.

When having look on other face China was like – Shark of the Ocean in the field of trading and merchanting with India. It is said because a huge amount from Indian economy was transferred to China in the terms of import and export which makes economy of China brawnier. Somewhere it is said the part of globalisation in context of one of its dimension (economic). Globalisation was dreaming one more step of its success, on the other half China played its cards with a slap of pandemic – CORONA. This pandemic did not give scars to India only but the whole world is still struggling with the injury from corona.

Due to pandemic when the stars were in the dark, Vicious China bring their knight of Chess by killing 20 Indian troops in Ladakh fighting in a clash with Chinese forces in a disputed Himalayan border area (Indian Official says). This incident follows rising tensions and is a first deadly clash in the border area in at least 45 years[2].

Above written are enough reasons to have a change of heart for banning Chinese Apps and for boycotting Chinese products.

INDIA: Full of cultures, land of Sri Ram, Deportment of forgiveness and pardon

But (Bhagwat Geeta suggests)

To endure injustice is also an injustice

India bans 59 Chinese Applications[3] including top social media platforms for the purpose of sovereignty and security of our country which resultant No negative impact on India while China fall flat in context of relations with India, impact on economy of China, Trade, no more friendly relations with India. These apps scratch the surface of the Chinese stake in the Indian economy.

Keywords: Brawnier, Vicious, Deportment, Enmity, Conspiracy, Asserting, Stabbing, Countenance.


India, the country of values, cultures, beliefs, morals and behaviour respects the emotions and feelings of others. Primarily pardons for the wrong moves of defaulter. China is the country spreading his wings in transnational world for the purpose of attaining various dimensions of globalisation in revert of money as well as China played like Professional “By dropping all balls in their own court”. It is widely proven that leakage of this pandemic has been brought from China for enmity, which tangled the whole world towards the kink of Corona so that focus of respective governments shifted to pandemic and China can rule over the world as well as prove itself superpower by ruling over all the powerful economies of the globe.

Five years ago in a speech of TED TALKS, following the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, Bill Gates, had predicted that the whole world struggle to cope with a highly infectious virus and also warned about its dangers[4]. Unfortunately, it appears that nobody listened to him and today world continues to battle with the corona virus pandemic. Bill Gates revealed his fears of a potential global epidemic. World must be better prepared to tackle the same and development of itself. India and China traded merchandise of $3 billion in 2000 which increased to $95.54 billion in 2018. Chinese exports to India were at $68 billion while imports stood at $16.32 billion[5]

Even after this, dragon’s appetite did not end and puke the sacks of pandemic in form of covid-19 corona. Next conspiracy against India by intruding and asserting possession over Galwan Ghati, Ladakh.


Civilized Government of India bans 59 applications of China such as Tiktok, Shareit, UC Browser, Shein, Clash of Kings, Clean Master and various others which were providing strong enough employment to China. Already defined India is really civilized without following “tit for tat” against intruding activity from China by killing 20 soldiers of India. Another dreadful face can be seen when China removes Indian employment from their country. Even the America, called superpower of the world is looking at banning Chinese social media applications including tik-tok and others prioritize for safety and security of the country. This will also impact the economy of China, way forward towards reduction. The President of America, Donald Trump also not happy from China and alleged the pandemic as Chinese Virus. Result from all of this tends to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi announces to become “Atmnirbhar Bharat” or to be independent instead of being globalised.

Pandemic and Indian Laws

Two laws are now applicable in the current epidemic:

  1. The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897

  2. The Indian Penal Code, 1860.


The Covid-19 virus named CORONA is closely related to bat corona viruses, pangolin corona viruses, and SARS-COV[6]. The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The World Health Organisation declared the outbreak a public Health Emergency of International concern on 30th January 2020 and a pandemic on 11th March[7]. World Health Organisation (WHO) announces the worst phase is yet to come.

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology in a press release asserted that it had received “many complaints from various sources, including several reports about misuse of some mobile apps available on Android and iOS platforms for stealing and surreptitiously transmitting users’ data in an unauthorised manner to servers which have outside India[8]

This whole pictures summarizes: Banning 59 applications of China can never stop the growth and development of India as today India is emerged as ATMNIRBHAR BHARAT, which enhances the employment in India and procure various eligible applications such as Roposso/Mitron/Chingari instead of Tiktok, Xender instead of Shareit, Myntra/Swadeshi/Khadi/FabIndia instead of Shein and number of other applications. No more friendly relation with China while India is not having intention of war with any of the country as India is the country of behaviours but Dragon is having tendency of splitting fire. China is demonstrating peace while on the other hand stabbing on India’s back.

This era is not SATYUG when lord Shiva ingests the poison from Mandaar Mountain, we are surviving in KALIYUG, by giving cold shoulder, bricks will be converted not only in stones even in rocks. If China will be in war mode it cost an arm and a leg to China.


India is the country who believes in respecting others and to be with friendly relations with other countries. Need not to be prove, visits of Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi to US, Russia, Dubai, Japan, Ukraine, Malaysia, Israel and various other countries for making Indian relations more smoother is itself countenance of same. This is plausible so each country can be ready to help us as hard rock as well as we with merciful hearts can welcome to other countries for their help in their hard times i.e recently India helped by providing hydroxychloroquine medication to various countries like America, Afghanistan and others. But if any country wanted to pick diamonds itself only and throw pebbles on others that can never be bearable and no country can survive alone itself, this can be reflected through old maxim:


[1] The Constitution of India [2]>news [3] [4] [5]>story [6] “Naming the corona virus disease (Covid 19) and the virus that causes it” World Health Organisation (WHO) [7] “Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005), WHO, 30th January 2020” [8]

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