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Writer's pictureAdvocate Surabhi Maheshwari

Impacts of Globalization in respect of Pandemic Disease –CORONA


Morning tweet of the Birds, Tempting view of rising rainbow, Mesmerizing breeze and the first ray of Sun pull towards the nature. Anyone can be the nature lover but, this face can also be faded, as the current position of the country - The slap of CORONA.

We are talking about the Globalization here, The Globalization makes the era changed, and there was no comparison of that revolution with any of the achievement as the dimensions of Globalization getting wider day after day But, the picture of today’s scenario is totally changed. No country wanted Trade, Politics, Social relations, Travel and Tourism with another country due to disastrous festival of Pandemic Disease Corona – COVID 19. This span of time resultant –“Time is never the same”.

Keywords: Boundary less, Revolution, Interconnected, Pandemic, Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, Uncountable, Countenance, Exordium


Let us know the meaning of Globalization first, Boundary less globe and unsealing of borders for various purposes like Trade, Business, Dealings, Social functions, Culture, Technology, Ideology and many others. The revolution of Globalization was only with the target of enhancement, economic growth and development of the Society. It is a power or revolution for the expansion and exploring anything across the world. Globalization is a complex process by which the world is becoming highly interconnected world through economic, social, political and cultural contracts. The intensity and the momentum of this process are further enhanced by the sophisticated instant communications and over expanding fast travels.

On the other hand, Pandemic means a disease that has spread across a large region or worldwide. A disease is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many lives, it must also be infectious. If any disease is neither infectious nor contagious then it can’t be considered as Pandemic, even if that is responsible for deaths like: Cancer. Earlier a report from World Health Organization provides the picture of world in every 100 years is as following:

In 1520: Smallpox

In 1620: Low plague

In 1720: Plague

In 1820: Cholera

In 1920: Spanish Influenza

In 2020: Corona COVID-19

This can be seen that after every 100 years there is a pandemic disease. In Arezzo, this begins in the 1370s and in Florence in the 1420s as Black Death. Currently we are struggling from Novel Corona Virus. This kind of global issue effects the revolutionary Globalization in respect of a number of means which will be discussed.

Impact of Pandemic on Globalization

The revolutionary changes had been brought in India with the entry of Globalization after the integration of our (Indian) economy with world’s economy. When one country is free to trade, import, export in respect of business, ideas, trade, technology, culture, Vision, ethics, ideology, language and many more. In 1991 LPG Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization has came into force for the sake of development of the country. After this people were having their liberty for private ventures, movement of public sector to private sector and others. Every aspect was increasing with the ladder of growth and enhancement of the country.

But, Will the countenance of it remain same after Pandemic? Currently world is suffering from Novel Corona Virus which is epidemic disease and shows the “Black period”. Uncountable deaths and still no Vaccine are present for cure from it. Neither phase nor the Exordium can be explained of this terrifying period. This dreadful time cannot be explained. To cope up with this devil disease Government has announced complete LOCKDOWN for the period of 67 days from 25th of March to 31st of May and strict directions has also provided to the whole society of India. The condition of whole world is bad due to this epidemic. Number of countries had announced lockdown. In this phase of life yet Globalization is not working. No country is agreed even to contact with other country’s citizens as epidemic spreads through touch as “Virus is in Air”. Even transportation, Airways, roadways, humans on roadside is restricted. Schools, Universities, Restaurants, Hotels, Lodges, Malls, and Markets all are closed. No business, Gatherings, trade, festivals, parties and others are taking place. Social distancing becomes mandatory, then how Globalization can spread its wings in today’s life? No country can help itself only in the period of this pandemic disease then, question of help of another country even cannot be raised. Each country suffering from this pandemic is helpless and trying to cope up with this. Most of developed and developing countries are indulged in continuation of progress of making vaccine for the same. Lack of mask, sanitizers, and medicines was also the face of a time. In America, Spain, Italy: Number of dead bodies was not having enough places even to bury them. This was the most horrible period of time. In this situation each victim country was in trouble, and unable to help other country, then Question of Globalization cannot even enter in the minds in respect of trade and relations. There was the situation of begging lives and survival from almighty.

Birth of Pandemic

The Covid-19 virus named CORONA is closely related to bat corona viruses, pangolin corona viruses, and SARS-CoV.[1]The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December; 2019.The World Health Organization declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30th January 2020, and a pandemic on 11th March.[2] As of 2nd July 2020, more than 10.6 million cases of Covid-19 have been reported in more than 188 countries and territories, resulting in more than 516000 deaths; more than 5.48 million people have been recovered.[3]

The Virus is primarily spread between people during close contact, most often via small droplets by sneezing, coughing and talking. Less commonly people may become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their face. Common symptom includes: fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of sense of smell.

Pandemic and Indian Laws

Two Laws are now applicable in the current epidemic:

1. The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897

2. The Indian Penal Code, 1860


Above written research is clearly showing the picture of today’s survival. At this stage of life even each human life needs distance from another one due to this epidemic disease. Everyone wanted to save their life by maintaining social distancing than how come the concept of Globalization will work?. It is very clear that Globalization is the concept of enhancement and development but after facing this phase in life “The concept of Globalization” fades. Even the Prime Minister of India: Mr. Narendra Modi advices to the country to be “Independent”. And this picture of life is advising to be selfdependent.


[1] “Naming the corona virus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes it” World Health Organization. (WHO)

[2] “Statement on the second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005), WHO, 30 January 2020

[3] “COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

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